Tag Archives: Arthur Sulzberger

A broadsheet battle as seen by a tabloid tycoon

An easy-to-understand animated film of the battle between Arthur Sulzberger‘s New York Times and Rupert Murdoch‘s Wall Street Journal, as interpreted by the Taiwanese tabloid tycoon, Jimmy Lai‘s company Next Media Animation. External reading: Tabloid sensation recreates the news

When editor makes way for editor, gracefully

The change of editorship at Indian publications is (usually) a graceless cloak-and-dagger affair, done in the dead of night after the janitors have left the building. Media consumers are rarely ever told why the helmsman has left or why a new one has come in, especially when there is a cloud shrouding the midnight operation.…

The face of future media wars is a-changing

Paul Harris in The Observer, London: “In future, media wars will not be fought between newspapers, and perhaps not even between newspaper websites. They will be fought between internet brands, blogs, online video sharers, news aggregators, gossip sites and things as yet undreamt of. They will not be fought in one city nor one country,…