Tag Archives: Roli Books

On National Press Day, a shop floor then & now

Today, November 16, is National Press Day. The photograph above, excerpted from Madras then, Chennai Now by Nanditha Krishna, Tishani Doshi and Pramod Kapoor (Roli books, 2013), is the floor of the composing room of The Hindu from the 1950s, a far cry from the ultra-modern printing towers of today. As the text accompanying the…

Ambani book review, a response and a riposte

Its original avatar,The Polyester Prince, failed to see the light of day after injunctions were secured against its release in several cities. Now, an updated version of Sydney Morning Herald journalist Hamish McDonald‘s book on the Ambanis has surprisingly hit the stands under a new title, Ambani & Sons. Shantanu Guha-Ray, the business editor of…

Prisoners without a name, cells without a number

Outlook special correspondent Amba Batra Bakshi and Indian Express principal photographer Renuka Puri join hands to bring home the life and lives of the women behind the walls of the largest complex of prisons in South Asia, Tihar. *Also read: Prisoner without a name, cell without a number Tehelka: Hard time tales Business Standard: Life…