Tag Archives: Jon Stewart

‘News TV covered Modi US trip like govt media’

Like town criers in the old days, who arrived before the Maharaja and extolled his virtues, Indian news television reporters were in the United States even before prime minister Narendra Modi had set foot in God’s Own Country. And, over nearly a week, provided breathless coverage that left little to the imagination. Superman (or was…

How not to ask right questions (an ongoing series)

When he made Sicko, Michael Moore got into a flap with CNN on the mainstream media’s inability to ask tough, searching questions. “Just apologize to the American people and to the families of the troops for not doing your job four years ago. We wouldn’t be in this war if you had done your job.…

When a music magazine takes on Goldman Sachs

It is probably applicable to other spheres of journalism as well, but it is surely no exaggeration to state that business journalism has completely lost the ability to tell it like it is. Unless, it is some small, worthless, unimportant target. Reporters, writers and editors, fearful of losing “access”, are held hostage by PR, freebies,…

Time to listen for the graduating class of 2009

# Shekhar Gupta, editor-in-chief, The Indian Express, delivers the convocation address to the graduating class of 2009, at the Indian Institute of Journalism & New Media (IIJNM), Bangalore, on Saturday, May 2. Time: 10.30 am. # Kumar Shahani, film-maker and thinker, contemplates on ‘To Make Sense’ at the convocation of the class of 2009 of…

MUST WATCH: Business interview of the year

Question: How did the mighty American media miss the financial meltdown? Answer: The same way the mighty American media missed George W. Bush‘s lies on Saddam Hussein‘s weapons of mass destruction. That’s not a Q&A from Jon Stewart‘s grilling of Jim Cramer, host of CNBC ‘s revealingly titled show, Mad Money, but it could well…

Why journalists like Barack Hussein Obama

In his last press conference in Baghdad, George W. Bush received a pair of size 10s from a member of the press corps. But why does his successor seem to get a ’10’ from most journos? “Journalists like Obama because he’s the ultimate America success story, photogenic and has that perfect family. And because he…