Daily Archives: 26 July 2013

Vir Sanghvi, Modi, 1984 and Hindustan Times

In the latest issue of Open magazine, its political editor Hartosh Singh Bal writes on the re-appearance of former Hindustan Times editor Vir Sanghvi on the pages of the newspaper, to underline the the media’s janus-faced approach to the anti-Sikh pogrom of 1984 under Congress watch and the 2002 Gujarat riots under BJP rule: “Narendra…

Journalism, PR and the reversal of roles

With journalists hopping over to the “dark area”—public relations, corporate communications, etc—once they have had enough of the profession, it can often lead to quite paradoxical situations. Like this advertisement released by Jaiprakash Associates to counter a story published by The Times of India on Thursday. It’s signed by Askari H. Zaidi, a former member…