Daily Archives: 9 June 2012

Sacrilege! Mihir Sharma takes on P.Sainath

As he exited the Indian Express last year as its most acerbic pen, the Harvard-educated economist Mihir S. Sharma launched into “adman” Suhel Seth in a long review of the latter’s book in The Caravan. Now, at the Business Standard as the editor of its opinion pages, Sharma trains his guns at the Magsaysay award…

Brother, sister spar over seat on PM junket

From Delhi Confidential, the gossip column of the Indian Express: FAMILY FRACAS The inclusion of Team Anna member, former TV anchor Shazia Ilmi, in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s media team for his trip to the Rio+20 summit in Brazil, has been the cause of much fuss in the PMO and in the MEA over the…