Daily Archives: 26 March 2010

Not just about the brothers, it’s the children too

Far from being cowed down by N. Ram‘s threat to sue for the “demonstrable falsehoods and defamatory assertions” in its report on “Ram’s role and actions in developments within the newspaper group and the company“, the Indian Express continues its coverage of the goings-on in the board room of the “Mount Road Mahavishnu” for the…

Tomorrow’s news today: spot the difference

PALINI R. SWAMY writes from Bangalore: The first clear indications of the shape of things to come at Kannada Prabha, the struggling Kannada daily of Manoj Kumar Sonthalia‘s New Indian Express group, have appeared on its imprintline today. What, till yesterday, used to be an “Express Publications (Madurai) Ltd” publication (left) has overnight become a…