Daily Archives: 26 July 2007

Kate-Duplicate? Kabhi kushi-Kabhi glum?

Say what you will, but the British papers are markedly more alive and refreshing than their American counterparts (as Tunku Varadarajan said here, and Matthew Engel said here). Have been and will probably always be. Surely, they are heavily opinionated “feral beasts“, but the British papers take themselves less seriously, are better written, more irreverent,…

Holes in the veil and fear in the hearts

Shortly after 9/11, America invaded Afghanistan in 2001 citing the plight of women in that country under the Taliban. But in the six years since, how the lot of the Hidden Half improved under the benign gaze of The Great Liberator? The July/August issue of Mother Jones is featuring a photo essay by Canadian photojournalist…