Daily Archives: 24 February 2007

Just short of a good length

Any fool can write a story over 800 pages—and most do. But what if the canvas is infinitely smaller? Esquire magazine sent 250 napkins to writers across America to try their hand at telling a tale. One hundred of the napkins came back with stories on them; the result ranges from the “lush to spare, hilarious…

Why all journalists must blog

Cyber Journalist has an interesting comment attributed to Chris Cobbler, publisher of greelytrib.com: “Blogging helps you better understand your audience. The hallmark of any blog is the ability for readers to post comments to what you write. By having this regular conversation with readers, you learn what hits and what misses. “For newspapers that are…

Wider and wider, expanding always expanding

A graybeard once told Tunku Varadarajan that a cultured man should have very few friends, and very many books. As the Wall Street Journal‘s new assistant managing editor prepares to move into a new but smaller office, a new question stares him in the face. What books to take home, what books to leave behind? And…